Helping St Albans residents with lifts, shopping, odd jobs and befriending
01727 830713
Our helpline is open every day 9am - 1pm
Please provide as many relevant details as you can​
Register your interest by completing our application form or by calling our Helpline
Email is not monitored daily, if your enquiry is urgent please call our Helpline
Please provide as many details as you can​
We take our data privacy responsibilities very seriously at St Albans Good Neighbour Scheme, and want you to understand and feel confident about how we protect and handle your personal data
If you would like to find out more you can read our Privacy Notice
Alternatively you can contact our GDPR Officer by email:
We encourage you to get in touch with your feedback, whether it is positive or negative.
Please call 01727 830713 or email us at
We endeavour to resolve problems and complaints when they arise by way of informal dialogue. We take all complaints very seriously; therefore, if your concern isn’t dealt with to your satisfaction, it will be referred to a member of the Trustee Board.
Please read our Complaints Procedure, which includes information on how to make a formal complaint, by clicking here.
We are committed to:
investigating complaints thoroughly and objectively to establish the facts of the case
avoiding undue delay
responding to complaints fairly, proportionately and appropriately
learning any lessons from your experiences and our action