Helping St Albans residents with lifts, shopping, odd jobs and befriending
As a caring organisation St Albans Good Neighbour Scheme seeks to provide an environment where all volunteers can work fairly and safely to serve the community. We will take reasonable precautions to protect and minimise risk to our volunteers and the community we serve.
St Albans Good Neighbour Scheme is committed to ensuring that all volunteers are kept safe from harm whilst they are involved with the organisation in any way. The Scheme endeavours to fulfil its responsibilities in relation to any legislation, including the Equality Act (2010) to protect people from discrimination, and the Care Act (2014) to protect a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
To these ends the Scheme has several key policies including the following:
Equality and Diversity Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Lone Worker Policy
Boundaries Guidance